
5 Coexisting Conditions Of ADHD

September 15, 2022

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that leads to hyperactivity, difficulty paying attention, and impulsiveness. ADHD is considered one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in children. According to CHADD, more than two-thirds of individuals experience coexisting conditions of ADHD. These conditions may present extra challenges for your child. Knowing the warning signs and the types of coexisting conditions of ADHD is critical in getting your child off on the right foot. 

Coexisting Conditions of ADHD

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that about 5 in 10 children with ADHD have a behavior or conduct problem, and about 3 in 10 children with ADHD have anxiety. Other common coexisting conditions of ADHD include autism spectrum disorder, Tourette syndrome, oppositional defiant disorder, and more. Holly Springs Pediatrics wants to ensure you have access to reliable and trustworthy information regarding conditions that may affect your child. Continue reading to learn about 5 coexisting conditions of ADHD. 

  1. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD, also referred to as Asperger Syndrome, is a disorder that affects a person’s social, emotional, and non-verbal skills. ASD is a prevalent coexisting condition of ADHD, as more than half of those diagnosed with ASD also show signs and symptoms of ADHD. Both of these conditions affect the central nervous system, which is the body’s processing center. This includes a person’s movement, language, memory, and social skills. Symptoms and characteristics of ASD to look out for include:

  • Delayed language and movement skills
  • Delayed cognitive development
  • Hyperactivity, impulsivity, or inattentive behavior
  • Unusual mood or emotional reactions

If you suspect your child has this coexisting condition of ADHD, it is highly recommended you make an appointment with their doctor.

  1. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

According to John Hopkins Medicine, ODD is a behavior disorder that often leads to children acting uncooperatively and defiantly while being hostile towards their peers, parents, teachers, and other authority figures. There is little information about exactly what causes ODD, but symptoms include temper tantrums, frequent arguing, refusing tasks, being easily annoyed, and seeking revenge. Early treatment can prevent future problems and may help with the coinciding symptoms of ADHD.

  1. Tourette Syndrome (TS)

Tourette syndrome is also a frequent coexisting condition of ADHD. The National Library of Medicine suggests that ADHD has been reported in 35% to 90% of children with TS. Unwanted and repetitive movements and sounds characterize Tourettes, and both disorders can lead to emotional, social, and academic difficulties. Treatment is available for Tourette syndrome to help reduce symptoms, such as therapies and medications.

  1. Bipolar Disorder (BD)

ADHD affects a person’s attention and behavior, while bipolar disorder is primarily a mood disorder. Yet, both conditions involve impulsivity, irritability, hyperactivity, and attention difficulties. Studies suggest that those with ADHD and BD present more ADHD symptoms, have an earlier onset age for BD, and experience more psychiatric disorders than those with ADHD alone. Because ADHD conditions overlap with symptoms of BD, it is essential to get a proper diagnosis by a doctor or mental health professional. 

  1. Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder is an umbrella term for a group of behavioral and emotional problems characterized by a disregard for others. According to Nationwide Children’s, four basic behaviors characterize conduct disorder:

  • Physical aggression
  • Violating others’ rights
  • Lying or manipulating
  • Delinquent behaviors

In younger children, diagnosing conduct disorder may be difficult, as it may get written off as them “acting out” during the developmental stages of their life. Getting a professional opinion is always recommended if symptoms persist past childhood and into the pre-teen/ teenager years.

Are you worried about possible coexisting conditions of ADHD in your child? Holly Springs Pediatrics is here to help you determine if there is a cause for concern and to make a care plan for your child’s unique needs. Check out our website or give us a call at (919) 249-4700 to schedule an appointment.