
5 Types Of Developmental Activities For Children

June 15, 2023

Developmental Activities

There are so many essential pieces to consider when it comes to a child’s development, but the activities that seem less essential to us can have a big impact on your child’s progress. Your children rely on you to help them learn, but have you wondered how important play can be for their development? There are several benefits of incorporating more developmental activities into your day-to-day routine to increase mental stimulation, alertness, and improved social skills.

Fun Developmental Activities For Children

Here at Holly Springs Pediatrics, we understand how important it is to support your child during their most influential years. That’s why we have put together a list of fun activities that can double as critical learning experiences. These developmental activities are not only fun but can help your child reach their full potential. 

1. Social And Emotional Developmental Activities

Building social and emotional skills is essential for your child to express their feelings, develop self-awareness, cope with new environments, and create and maintain positive relationships with those around them. Building these skills from a young age can be done through several activities, such as

  • Pretend play
  • Art activities such as painting, drawing, and coloring
  • Goal setting
  • Simple ball games, like playing catch or dribbling a soccer ball
  • Simon says or puppet games

Not only will these activities help your child build their social and emotional skills, but they also can help develop their gross motor skills. 

2. Cognitive Developmental Activities

Cognitive developmental activities help your child to learn, process information, and can even help strengthen their memory. As your child ages, they will start to understand more complex concepts. Cognitive development will help your child think about and understand the world around them through their own problem-solving capabilities. Example activities to help promote your child’s cognitive development include 

  • Finding and hiding items
  • Identifying sounds and pictures
  • Playing board games or card games
  • Jigsaw puzzles and memory games
  • Playing outside

Not only will these activities keep your child entertained and engaged, but they also will help to strengthen their cognitive developmental abilities.  

3. Fine Motor Skill Developmental Activities

Fine motor skills are the movements that involve the finger and hands and are essential for completing everyday activities such as dressing, eating, writing, and manipulating objects. To help develop your child’s fine motor skills, try some of the developmental activities below

  • Playing with playdough or putty
  • Gardening or planting
  • Peeling and placing stickers
  • Finger painting, drawing, or coloring
  • Threading or lacing

Helping your child develop their fine motor skills helps them build a solid foundation for their future everyday tasks. 

4. Speech And Communication Developmental Activities

Speech and communication development is more than just learning how to talk. This essential skill will help your child learn, work, maintain social interaction, and foster independence. Your child’s ability to communicate affects every aspect of their life. Some great activities to help your child stimulate communication include

  • Talking your way through the day
  • Role-playing
  • Storytelling and reading
  • Naming colors, shapes, and items
  • Playing telephone

With nearly two out of every 10 children having some type of speech or hearing disorder, it is important to hone in on the skills from an early age. 

5. Gross Motor Skill Developmental Activities

Gross motor skills differ from fine motor skills in that they use the larger muscles in the body, such as the arms and legs. Developing gross motor skills will help your child in every aspect of their life, from walking and maintaining balance to the ability to participate in play, sports, and fitness. Any sort of play that gets your child’s body moving can help them refine their gross motor skills, including

  • Playing Simon-says
  • Any sports
  • Playing catch
  • Dancing and jumping
  • Hopscotch

Holly Springs Pediatrics is committed to providing quality care to your kids at all times on a wide array of subjects. Do you have more questions on developmental activities for your child? Call our Holly Springs, NC pediatric office at (919) 249-4700 to schedule an appointment or talk to a staff member.