
11 Must-Download Apps for Families

June 28, 2019

Must-download apps for families; Family holding a tablet and looking at it

Family life today seems busier than ever. Everyone has somewhere different to be all the time and so many things need to get done. There are so many things to keep up with. And while technology can seem like a nuisance sometimes, it can also help make things a bit easier. We’ve found 11 apps for families that can help you out.

1. Duolingo

You’ve probably heard it numerous times: children are more adept at learning second languages than adults. Duolingo is a well-known free app that is very effective at teaching new languages to students of all ages. So why not let your little ones learn a new language? And the whole family can get involved in the learning process as well. You can all practice together!

2. Let’s Read

Let’s Read is an innovative app that allows you to be present for story time even when you cannot physically be there. With Let’s Read, you can record video and audio narration of books. The app then syncs the recording with the illustrations from their library of picture books. This is perfect for parents who travel, are deployed in the military, or for grandparents or other family and friends who live far away. Using Let’s Read you can be confident that your child is getting a quality story even if you can’t be there. The app runs on a secure, private network and is currently available for iPhone and iPad.

3. Playground Buddy

This free app is a favorite among families who frequent playgrounds and want information on them before they make the trek to visit them. Developed by a small team of parents, Playground Buddy aims to make taking your kids to the playground less of a chore by taking some of the guesswork out of the experience. Playground Buddy crowdsources information from its users, meaning the more people who use it and share information, the better the app gets. Playground Buddy helps families:

  • Find playgrounds. Currently, there are over 200,000 playgrounds in 170 countries listed in Playground Buddy
  • Find out what’s there: For example, what kind of play structures are there and what kind of parking is available
  • See pictures of the playground
  • Share details about the playground with others

4. KidsDoc

KidsDoc provides a portal for information on what level of care your child needs based on their illness. For example: When can your child go back to school after they’ve had a certain illness? What should you do in cases of rashes, vomiting, etc? You can find answers for minor illnesses and injuries in the KidsDoc app. But if you have serious concerns, be sure to contact your pediatrician or healthcare professional.

5. IronKids

Kids today love screens, and it’s true we should limit their time in front of them. But, this is one app that will help them do more than just stare blankly at the phone. Iron Kids is for kids age 8 and older. The app will safely guide kids through exercises that will build strength, balance, and fitness. All of this will help them prepare for athletic excellence. The workout is run by nationally recognized sports medicine physician and Ironman triathlete Jordan D. Metzl. It is designed to prevent injury in sports.

6. Child Health Tracker

This app is good for keeping track of your child’s health information. It is also good for keeping pertinent information on their healthcare providers handy. Child Health Tracker also provides guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics on vaccinations and milestones you should expect from your child with each birthday.

7. Mint

It’s not super exciting, but budgeting is a big part of family life. Mint is one of the top-rated apps for budgeting. Its user-friendly and intuitive interface helps you stay up to date on spending and saving. You can set reminders for bill pay and even link your accounts to the app. Setting goals and looking at the visual charts also lets you see how close you are to being able to afford that much-needed vacation.

8. Cozi

If you are looking for an app to manage almost every facet of your family’s busy life, then Cozi is probably worth looking into. Want to know everyone’s schedule? Cozi can track every family member’s activities and appointments. Need to keep tabs on what has been taken care of on the shopping list? Cozi lets you create and share grocery lists. You can also create and share to-do and chore lists in real-time. If all that wasn’t enough you can store recipes in the app as well.

9. Remember the Milk

Another app designed to keep your household organized is Remember the Milk. If you love the satisfaction of making a list and crossing things off, then this app might be for you. Use this app to sync your lists across multiple devices.

10. Winnie

Winnie is a great app for a number of reasons. First, it is a good way to find childcare and discuss local daycare and school options with other real-life parents in your area. They also have a feature that helps you find family-friendly activities and places in your area.

11. ChoreMonster

If you have tried everything under the sun to get your kids to contribute to keeping the house in order, then why not give ChoreMonster the old college try? The app is designed to make completing chores fun and motivates them with monster rewards. As kids check things off the chore list you make for them they earn points and the aforementioned rewards.

Apps are a great way to make life easier, but when it comes to your child’s health there’s no substitute for professional care from a licensed healthcare provider. The Holly Springs Pediatrics team strives to provide high-quality, one-on-one health care both in the treatment and education of your child. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s health or want to schedule an appointment, call (919) 249-4700.